Selle Anatomica

Selle Anatomica Blog — Gear Recommendations

How To Make Your Peloton Bike Saddle More Comfortable

Since their launch in 2014, Peloton bikes have grown rapidly in popularity. As COVID-imposed quarantines pushed more people toward home- and screen-based workouts, these stationary bikes have become...

Bike Shorts: How To Properly Clip in When Starting on a Hill

Every cyclist has been there.  You’re starting the bike on an incline and before you can get those pedals moving enough, you’re swerving off course or toppling...

The Worst Body Part to Expose to Cold Air When Cycling

Cold weather has a way of shocking the unprepared cyclist. Suddenly, it’s painfully obvious where all of your exposed skin is.  If you forgot to cover your...

Bike Shorts: How to Layer up for Cold Bike Rides

If you’re brave enough to keep cycling in the cold weather — and believe us, it can be done — then you’re bound to run into a...

Disc Brakes vs. Electronic Shifters: Which Should I Buy for My Bike?

Once upon a time, your choices for mods and upgrades on your next bike were simple. A saddle upgrade here, a new set of pedals there, and...

The 5 Best New Pieces of Equipment for Cyclists

Cyclists are used to thinking — dare we say over-thinking? — about equipment. There is no end to the list of possible bike mods, moisture-wicking clothes, smart tech...
Showing 18-24 of 25 Results