Selle Anatomica

Selle Anatomica Blog — Health and Wellness

How To Stay Active Even When Life Gets in the Way

No cyclist can perfectly maintain their cycling routine. Even the most regular, resilient riders face time off the bike now and then, because life simply has a...

Headed on a Long Bike Ride? Don’t Leave Your Sugary Drinks Behind

Like any prolonged-intensity sport, long-distance cycling requires a lot of energy.   That means you need plenty of calories for a long ride. Before a big event, it...

Not Gaining Weight During Time off the Bike? Here’s Why That’s Not a Good Thing

Every cyclist — even the most dedicated one — has to take some time off the bike now and then. Whether it’s a busy schedule or an injury, sometimes...

How To Explain Your Cycling Habit to Your Significant Other

It’s that time again. You feel the excitement building as you put on your cycling jersey and double-check your bag to make sure you have everything you...

How To Stay Hydrated While Cycling

It takes careful planning to ensure you have everything you need for a long bike ride. That’s true for your equipment, but it’s especially true for your...

8 Reasons a Cyclist Experiences Cycling Fatigue

Experienced cyclists know how to push themselves to the limit. They can often ride 50, 100, or even 200 miles without getting too tired.  That makes it...
Showing 1-6 of 8 Results