Learn how to install your new waterproof rain cover for your Selle Anatomica saddle, as demonstrated by Andy.
How To Install Waterproof Rain Cover from Selle Anatomica on Vimeo.
Video Transcription
Hi, I’m Andy with Selle Anatomica, and I’m going to show you how to install a waterproof rain cover on our saddle.
So, we have our rain cover in our packaging—then a rain cover outside the packaging—and a saddle here.
Waterproof Rain Cover Saddle Installation
All I need to do is take the nose of the saddle, slide it into the rain cover, get it up there nice and tight, and then I’m going to stretch the cover over the saddle. It’s a tight fit, which is what we want.
So there I have the first step–I’ve just stretched the cover over the saddle. If I turn it over, I want to get the seams of the cover to match up with the contour of the saddle.
And then I’m going to pull the tabs [hanging off the back of the rear area and wrap them] around the back. What [the tabs] do is they Velcro to the Velcro [toward the nose] which would allow it to secure around your seat post—and there’s a little hole there for your seat post.
The reason we like this rain cover is because A) it’s made in America and B) it covers both the top and bottom of the saddle. [This is] important with a leather saddle because we want to keep water off the saddle as much as possible.
You can find the waterproof rain cover individually, or in our waterproof kit.